The project “Exchange of Best Practices in workplace inclusion of women with disabilities” (Proj. Numb. 2018-1-PL01-KA202-051049) , funded by the European Commission, aims at upgrading the skills and competences of mentors working with people with disabilities in order to enhance workplace inclusion.

The employment rate of women with disabilities is significantly lower compared to women without disabilities in all Member States. At the EU level, the employment rate of women with disabilities is 44% and the rate for women without disabilities is 65%. (Eurostat). With the introduction of a mentoring programme, companies can guarantee that their employees can work fully with their knowledge and position. By learning in the workplace we mean to train persons with disability in all the skills needed to develop and fulfil their tasks at the workplace. The trained skills are within these five areas: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Task Development, Environment and Management.

Thus, this project will promote an exchange of best practices and knowledge on workplace inclusion between mentors working with women with disabilities from partner countries.

This project brings together four partners with relevant expertise in European programs and able to make an important contribution in the areas covered by the project.

The partners are:

–          VIVA FEMINA, Poland.

–          DESINCOOP, Portugal.



The project will include several activities during its implementation and a set of deliverables. The main deliverables are:

–          Compendium of Best Practices in work-based training and mentoring gathered in all partner countries;

–          Guide for mentors working with women with disabilities on their successful work integration;

The project will also develop a blog and a Facebook page along with other dissemination materials. One of the main activities of the project is the face to face training that will be carried out in Gijón, (Spain) around the month of October, directed at mentors working with women with disabilities. The project also includes several face-to-face meetings with the partner organisations and several Stakeholders’ committees

This project addresses the following priorities:

–          Improving the social inclusion of women with disabilities by using innovative methods based on mentoring and work-based learning;

–          Enhancing skills and competences of mentors and company managers in employment of women with disabilities;

–          Professional development of mentors and company managers by providing them with effective training and best practices exchange;

–          High quality learning opportunities by producing a high quality training program.


For further information, please visit:





WORK INCLUSION Newsletter nr 1 EN

WORK INCLUSION Newsletter nr 2 EN