Building advanced media literacy competences and digital skills of low-skilled adults 45+ through social media (Proj. Numb. 2017-1-RO01-KA204-037220)

The project

MedLit#45+ is a strategic partnership project in the field of adult education that is funded with the support of the Erasmus+ of the European Union, aiming to promote the skills development, employability and inclusion in the labour market of low-skilled and low-qualified adults.


MedLit#45+ intends to develop the digital competences of low-skilled/low-qualified unemployed adults 45+ through innovative tools so that they are motivated and able to build a robust online professional identity to strengthen their access to employment.

Furthermore, the project intends to enhance the knowledge of employment and career counselors and/or relevant authorities, organisations & companies working with low-skilled/low-qualified unemployed, by equipping them with a new approach & tools for supporting and interacting with middle-aged unemployed persons through social media.

Project outputs

  • Development of digital skills building framework through social media for low-skilled/low-qualified unemployed persons over 45

  • Development and implementation of online resource platform for building the digital competences of low-skilled/low-qualified unemployed persons over 45

  • Development and dissemination of manual for professionals supporting unemployed persons

Expected results

The expected results upon project completion are:

  • Enhanced media & digital literacy skills and competences of at least 100 (in total) low-skilled/low-qualified unemployed persons over 45 in Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania & Spain.

  • Increased use of social media for professional purposes by the trained low-skilled/low-qualified unemployed persons over 45 in Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania & Spain.

  • Employment/career counsellors, PES, VET providers, recruiters and/or other professionals working with/providing support to low-skilled/low-qualified unemployed persons equipped with new tools and methodologies that can facilitate the (re)integration of unemployed persons over 45 in the labour market.

  • Enhanced awareness and knowledge (through workshops and other dissemination means) of at least 100 (in total) employment/career counsellors and relevant professionals in Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania & Spain, on using the new tool and methodologies to provide tailor-made services to their target group.

The partnership

The project is carried through a partnership between 6 Countries:

  • Romania, ANDCTR – Asociatia Nationala de Dezvoltare Continua a Tineretului din Romania

  • Greece, Kentro Merimnas Oikogeneias Kai Paidiou – KMOP

  • Greece, EEO Group S.A.

  • United Kingdom Canary Wharf Consulting Ltd

  • Spain Magenta Consultoría Projects S.L.U

  • Italy, PRISM – Promozione Internazionale Sicilia Mondo

  • Portugal, Sociedade Promotora de Estabelecimentos de Ensino Lda – SPEL





The project leaflet: EN_Link al pdf



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